Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Bad wood in the rear

LaRon took a load of debris to the dump today.  That allowed me to clean up the rear end and move things around a bit.  First item on the list was to inspect the cause of a soft spot in the pergo flooring, curb side, in the bedroom.  I removed a piece of the flooring and just as I suspected, found bad wood.  I ended up removing all of the pergo flooring as the more I removed the more bad areas I found.  You can see the worst area in this picture to the right.  The wood there was still very wet and spongy.  Parts of it pulled away like tearing a sheet of paper.   
The question now is how much is bad and how deep.  I spent the rest of the afternoon removing the bad plywood on top of the original bus floor.  You can see in the picture here that the damage goes all the way across the bus to the other street side wall.  While the wood is not wet on this side, I decided it best to remove all damaged sections.

Here I show a picture of the bad plywood all cut out of the bedroom area.  The original bus flooring seems to be ok here except for the two spots at the back wall where the blue covering is missing.  I removed the bus plywood floor, which was dry but still rotted,  exposing the metal sheeting below.  The metal sheeting is in rough shape but it is not structural so it should be ok.  While the bus floor is definately showing it's age I believe it to not require removing.  I am not sure what I will do next.  I need to remove a couple of sections of the metal wall covering under the windows to inspect inside the wall and the framing.  I suspect that I'll find rust in a few areas.   Stripping the conversion out of the inside of the bus has been a big undertaking and it pretty much brings the project back to square one.  Finding the bad and still wet wood today reassured me that the tear out is necessary.  It can look pretty on top but be rotted below.

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